next matters

Enterprise Investigations
Enterprise Investigations

We are a specialist law firm setting a new standard for internal and workplace investigations, reviews and enquiries.

We are trusted by law firms and organisations across all sectors to handle their most complex and challenging investigations and enquiries.


Working quickly and sensitively to identify and limit exposure to any live issues, we expertly position our clients to safeguard their people, minimise litigation and regulatory risks, manage reputational damage and satisfy community and stakeholders’ expectations.

Our expertise

Our objective is simple; to provide our clients with the best investigative experience available anywhere.

At critical times, our clients need impartial, sensitively obtained and high quality information they can rely on to take the right steps and command stakeholder confidence.

We’ve built a strong reputation investigating complex, high-stakes matters at the most demanding levels. We deliver these outcomes on time while adhering to the strictest standards of procedural fairness and following our own, best practice participant wellbeing protocols.

Our founders

Our founders come from leading commercial and employment law backgrounds and, together, have more than 25 years’ experience investigating and advising at the highest levels.

David Steirn

David Steirn is one of Australia's leading investigators for organisations across all sectors, often where issues of regulatory breach, serious misconduct or failure arise at an individual or institutional level.

Before establishing Enterprise Investigations, David was a Sydney-based commercial and employment barrister for close to a decade, representing clients in the Supreme and Federal courts and conducting investigations and enquiries.

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“I see it every day; regardless of outcome, competent internal investigations remain the single most effective risk management tool for identifying wrongdoing and making meaningful improvements.”

Lily Stone

Lily advises on, and undertakes, investigations spanning the major sectors, including Corporate, Government and Public Sector, Banking and Finance, Technology, Telecommunications, Healthcare, Aged Care and Not-for-Profit.

Before co-founding Enterprise Investigations, Lily was a Partner at a leading Sydney law firm, working in employment and commercial law for over 13 years.

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“Having worked closely with HR and in-house teams, I’ve seen a huge increase in the responsibilities and skill sets these key personnel are asked to deliver to keep their businesses on top. Offering leading-edge advice and guidance in an increasingly specialised and complex area is amongst the most valuable services our clients have access to.”

Get in touch.

Level 26, 1 Bligh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
+61 2 8328 0111