Privacy Policy

  1. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to set out the processes and procedures that we use at Enterprise Investigations Pty Ltd ACN 633 573 529 (EI) (our, us and we) to manage and protect your personal information, including in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Act) and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs).

Together with security, making sure that you are clear and feel confident in the way we collect, hold and use your personal information is crucial to our business.  This policy is intended to explain how we approach privacy, both for compliance and client peace of mind.

This policy applies to EI, our website (Website), as well as to our staff, contractors, third parties, consultants and visitors who have access to EI information or IT systems.

EI is a law firm specialising in workplace investigations, advice and end to end support (Services).

By using the Website, requesting our Services or by providing your personal information to us, you are taken to have read, understood and consented to the contents of this policy, as updated and amended from time to time.

  1. Our privacy commitment

Our relationship with you is built on trust and we are focussed on maintaining it. For us, a critical aspect of this trust is ensuring that you have confidence that we will keep your personal information secure and manage it openly and transparently.

  1. What sort of personal information do we collect?

We will only collect information from you that is relevant to our relationship and the provision of Services to you.

Depending on the nature of our relationship with you, we may request that you provide some or all the following information:

  1. your contact details including your name, address, email address and contact phone number;
  2. your business or company name;
  3. your payment and billing information, which we use to invoice you for the Services and to process your payments, including credit card details and billing history.

Generally, we will not need to collect sensitive information from you (for example information about your religion, political views, ethnicity, criminal records and sexual preferences) and if we do, we will ask you first.

  1. Why we need your personal information and how we use it

Usually, the main reason we need your personal information relates to providing Services to you.

We may also use or disclose your personal information for other related reasons, including:

  1. preventing fraud and other criminal activities;
  2. to assist us to run our business, to better understand your needs and to improve our Services and performance, including staff training, accounting, debt collection, risk management, record keeping, archiving, systems development, developing new services, marketing and undertaking planning, research and statistical analysis;
  3. to respond to your requests;
  4. to contact you with information or in relation to an event that you might be interested in;
  5. to procure advice from legal and accounting firms, auditors, contractors, consultants and other advisers;
  6. to comply with our reporting and legal obligations;
  7. to seek your feedback in relation to client satisfaction and our relationship with you;
  8. to monitor or improve the quality and standard of service that we provide to you;
  9. to consider any concerns or complaints you may raise;
  10. to our successors and/or assignors; and
  11. to better understand your preferences.

At the time that we collect your personal information, we will tell you why we need your information.  We will not use your personal information for any other purpose without your consent unless it relates to the purpose for which you first provided us with the information or for a purpose which you would expect.

You don’t have to provide us with any of your personal information but if you choose not to, we may not be able to provide the information or Services that you require.

  1. How do we collect your personal information?

Usually and unless it is not practical, we will collect your personal information directly from you, either in person, electronically or over the phone.

Personal information may also be collected through third parties where necessary, including professional advisors.

  1. Collecting personal information about others

If you are giving us personal information on behalf of someone else, you confirm that you are authorised to provide that information to us, and that you will let the owner of the information know about this policy, including who we are, how we use and disclose personal information, and that they can gain access to, and correct, their information.

  1. Unsolicited personal information

From time to time we may receive personal information about you that we have not asked for.  If this happens, we will only hold onto such information where the information is necessary to our relationship with you.  If we determine that the information received is not necessary, then we will de-identify or destroy the information as soon as is practical.  Any information that has not been requested but is subsequently retained by us will be subject to the procedures and requirements set out in this policy.

  1. How we disclose personal information

We may engage third party service providers or contractors to assist us with certain business functions including technology, security, insurance, accounting, professional advisory (including legal, accounting and auditing advice), marketing and banking. 

These third parties may be required to handle your personal information but will be required to comply with the APPs.  We will make all reasonable enquiries to try to ensure that this is the case.

Depending on the nature of the Services, we may need to disclose your personal information to courts, experts or barristers.

Wherever possible, we will limit the information provided to third parties.

  1. Do we use your personal information for marketing?

We may:

  1. use personal information that we have collected about you to identify information or a service that may benefit you; and
  2. contact you from time to time to let you know information or about a service that we think you might be interested in.

By providing your personal information to us, you consent to your personal information being included in our database for information and marketing purposes, including as described above, but you can opt-out, unsubscribe or make a request not to receive marketing communications from us, by emailing us at at any time.  Additionally, any direct marketing communication, including all emails, will include an opt-out or “unsubscribe” option.

If you opt-out of receiving marketing materials or information from us, we may still send you emails about the Services you have requested or received from us, or for other client service reasons.

We do not provide your personal information to other organisations for the purposes of direct marketing.

  1. How do we store your personal information?

We use appropriate processes and security systems to protect personal information from loss, misuse and interference and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. Also, access to your personal information is limited to those who need it to perform their work.

We, and our third party service providers, take all necessary steps to destroy or permanently de-identify your personal information where it is no longer required and to protect your personal information as already described.

The internet is not always secure.  Whilst we prioritise protection of your personal information, if you use the internet to send us any information, it is sent at your own risk.

  1. Maintaining your personal information

We will make sure that:

  1. the information that we collect about you is accurate, complete and up to date at the time we collect it;
  2. your information is accurate, up-to-date and complete and at the time we use it; and
  3. your information is accurate, up-to-date and complete and at the time we disclose it.
  1. Overseas disclosures personal information

When we disclose personal information in accordance with this policy, that personal
information may be accessed from, transferred to, and/or stored in a country outside Australia where we
have made a business decision to store our data with a trusted service provider who
is in the business of providing data storage and processing services – for example,
a service provider who stores and processes our email and mobile application data.
These services commonly involve diverse geographic locations which change from
time to time for reasons which include data protection and processing efficiency.
Where these services are used by us, it is not practical for us to notify you of which
country your personal information may be located in.

  1. Complaints

We are committed to maintaining and protecting your privacy but if you are concerned about how we have handled your personal information then you are entitled to make a complaint.  If you would like to lodge a complaint, please contact us by email at

Please talk to us about any concerns and we will do our best to remedy them.

  1. Protecting your identity

Wherever practical, we will provide you with the option not to identify yourself when dealing with us.  Alternatively, you may elect to use a pseudonym to protect your identity.

  1. Links to other websites

This Website may contain links to other websites.  We are not responsible for information on, or the privacy practices of, such websites.

  1. Changes to this policy

It may be necessary for us to review and revise this privacy policy and/or our processes from time to time. We reserve this right.

  1. Contacting us

Please contact us with any privacy concerns or queries by email at  We will do our best to address any concerns thoroughly and expeditiously.

If practical, you can contact us without identifying yourself, but this may make it more difficult for us to assist you. This will depend on the nature of your enquiry.

  1. Further information

If you require further information, please contact us at